60th Anniversary - Exhibition in Forum Shopping Centre

Wednesday 18th Sep 2013

This 3 day event was to showcase Darlington as a great place to visit for holidays, work experience, training, education, music, sport and leisure. Pop up stands featured our town as a gateway to the North of England – York, Durham, Newcastle, Whitby, Yorkshire and Durham dales and many other places of interest.

We distributed many leaflets about our area and no doubting the most popular one was the Darlington Heritage Trail.
We also had pop up stands about our railway heritage, along with items for sale from the museum, including Rocket, Locomotion and Tornado beers which were very quickly sold as were beer presentation packs left over from the Indoor Market 150th anniversary.

Other pop ups were from North Yorks Moors Railway, and from South West Durham Training Company, who were advertising their long association and exchange programme with Siemens of Muelheim. Mrs. Darlington’s Jam and Chutney, postcards, anniversary mugs and plates, and numerous small items were also for sale, and glass cabinets displayed about 20 trains and carriages linked to our local history.

We also entertained the crowds with great performances by local vocalists Haley McKay and Phil Crumbie, and Muelheim’s Fellerband and a jazz duo.

Union Jacks, bunting and German flags also gave an excellent aura to the event. We were on the first floor and downstairs the Muelheim Model Railway Association had also produced a very good display for the event.

We all had a great time!

We wore “Darlington 60 in Muelheim” shirts which were kindly donated by Richardson Construction and SWDT Co. Thanks also to the Forum Management team who were always available to help, and to members of the local TTA who also assisted us throughout the three days.

Thanks also to Barry Lamb who loaned us his selection of trains.

Report By: Tom Nutt


From Darlington: Tom Nutt, Nigel Davison, Alan Lenham, Paul Tate, Callum Little, Phil Crumbie, Haley Mckay and Helen Crumbie.
From Muelheim: Fellerband Staedtepartnerschaftsverein Forum Management Jazz Duo

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